Your Table is About to Get Rocked with New KISS Coasters!

Protect your furniture while you rock out with the awesome KISS Musical Instrument Shaped Coasters Set of 4 from Bif Bang Pow!. They are available now for pre-order at Entertainment Earth . These rockin’ coasters are based on the instruments used by your favorite band, KISS! Each coaster is in the shape of the instrument used by each member of the band and has a colored border that matches to that character. The bass guitar of The Demon is bordered in red, Starchild’s rhythm guitar has purple, Spaceman’s guitar has blue and Catman’s drum piece is surrounded with green. These eye-catching coasters are made of laminated wood with a cork backing and are sure to be the topic of conversation at your next raging party! The guitars measure 11-inches x 3 1/2-inches wide and the drum coaster measures 4 1/2-inches in diameter. Pre-order this unique coaster set today! See more KISS collectible from Bif Bang Pow! here ! © 2015 KISS Catalog, Ltd. Under License to Epic Rights