Cartoon Network Announces New Adventure Time Mini-Series and Regular Show: The Movie in 2015-16 Lineup
Some popular television shows are making their way back to Cartoon Network for the 2015-16 season in a big way! Notable among the announced programming lineup are the season renewals of perennial fan-favorites Adventure Time and Regular Show . In addition to those returning series, Cartoon Network will also be releasing a separate Adventure Time Special Mini-Series and Regular Show: The Movie , which will be a long-form special standalone feature. Of course, Bif Bang Pow! has fans of both shows covered with our one-of-a-kind collectibles offered exclusively through Entertainment Earth ! ( Click here for Adventure Time products from Bif Bang Pow!) ( Click here for Regular Show products from Bif Bang Pow!) (Additional info on all of Cartoon Network's exciting new programming plans can be found in their official press release below.) Cartoon Network Approaches 2015-16 Upfront with Unmatched Growth Across All Screens Cartoon Ne...