Fill the Season with Laugher: Top 10 Funniest Gifts from Bif Bang Pow!
The holidays are one of the most joyous times of the year, and laughter is always a great gift to complement the season. That's why we've crafted our list of Top 10 Funniest Gifts from Bif Bang Pow!. Including a wide range of products and characters, these hilarious holiday must-haves are all available today at , and for one day only (December 8), you can save an additional 20% on these select gifts! Plus for a limited-time only, Entertainment Earth is offering FREE SHIPPING on any in-stock orders $49+. So what are we waiting for? Jump in to see what comedic collectibles made this year's list! 10) SNL D*** in a Box Salt and Pepper Shakers - Set of 2 Based on the super-popular Saturday Night Live sketch, these two Christmas-themed gift box replicas from Bif Bang Pow! are actually salt and pepper shakers made of ceramic and measuring 2 1/2-inches tall x 2-inches wide x 2-inches long. One red (pepper) and one silver (salt), each features ...