Hey, Wanna Play? Dexter 10th Anniversary Pin Mate Set in Stock Now!

Everyone's favorite serial killer returns with his friends in a special limited edition Dexter Pin Mate Wooden Figure 10th Anniversary Set of 10 - now in stock at Entertainment Earth. Commemorating the award-winning show's first episode in October 2006 on Showtime, this Dexter anniversary Pin Mate™ set celebrates everyone's favorite serial killer along with some of the show's most beloved characters, which are individually numbered 2-11 (on the figure's bottom and the packaging). Dexter Morgan is number 2; Debra Morgan is number 3; Angel Batista is number 4; Sgt. Doakes is number 5; Maria LaGuerta is number 6; Vince Masuka is number 7; Joey Quinn is number 8; Rita Bennett is number 9; The Trinity Killer is number 10; and The "Dark Passenger" Dexter is number 11. Measuring a mere 2-inches tall, each one-of-a-kind Pin Mate™ figure captures key character nuances with 360-degree, hand-painted artwork that includes some decal elements. Only 504 se...