The Twilight Zone 8-inch EMCE Action Figure Update

We are disappointed to have to cancel certain upcoming 8-inch EMCE action figures from our The Twilight Zone product line. Specifically, we are canceling Santa Claus and Maya the Cat Girl today.  The reason we cancelled these was not due to a lack of interest or sales.

In this situation, our license does not cover certain likeness rights.  CBS Consumer Products and Bif Bang Pow! have been working together for nearly a year to bring these and other characters to the action figure format, but unfortunately we are unable to do so, and are now restricted to certain creatures and monsters going forward.

Some of you were probably wondering why we were releasing less known characters recently (ie Cyclops, Alien, etc.) - and this was the reason!

Here is a list of upcoming characters we were planning in the near future, but unfortunately these have now been cancelled:

  1. Rod Serling 
  2. Anthony Freemont (Bill Mumy) from It's a Good Life
  3. Maya the Cat Girl from Perchance to Dream
  4. Santa Claus (Art Carney) from The Night of the Meek
  5. Clown, Ballerina, Major, Tramp and Bagpiper from Five Characters in Search of an Exit.  Originally scheduled for a deluxe Comic-Con exclusive set.
  6. Battling Maxo from Steel
  7. Marsh White (Mannequin) from The After Hours
  8. Robot from Uncle Simon

If in the future these likeness rights become available, we will look forward to bringing these to market.  Many other fantastic items are still available and are in the works, so please check them out! Thanks again for your support and business.


Anonymous said…
I cant believe little Anthony and ROD SERLING "were" going to be available... I am so dissapointed to not be able to have them. Please do some crazy deal with CBS to make this happen. We will pay!
Anonymous said…
Is there ANY way to make scale replicas of Willy
and maybe Goofey Goggles?