Ring in the New Year with a New Flash!

Jason Lenzi here with Happy New Year's wishes to all friends of BBP! Now, can you think of a better way to kick off what is sure to be a banner year than to announce our first exclusive for 2008? Me either, so here goes....We here at BBP! Headquarters are extremely proud to announce a Flash Gordon Exclusive: Flash Gordon with black deco and blaster! Yes, you read that right. Just when you think we can't give more attention to detail, we go and trump you by producing an all new version of our Flash Gordon action figure. A companion piece to our black deco-ed Ming, the new Flash Gordon is in his black lightening bolt shirt, with a different belt and buckle, and even cooler, an all new blaster rifle, modeled right off of the film prop! The good folks at Adventure-Con have nabbed him all to themselves, and he's extremely limited. He's available for pre-order right now, so get over to their site and get one-or two! Here's the link: Adventurecon.com/exclusives.html. But you better hurry, cause he's extremely limited at only 850 pieces. The regular versions are going like mad, and black Ming is flying off of the shelves, so I don't think New Flash will be around long. And you may be asking yourself at this point, how does Bif Bang Pow! do it? And will they ever run out of cool ideas? The answer, my friends, is blowing in the winds of 2008, so stay tuned! (And HOW did he just reference Dylan on this blog?? )